Why Is My Mood So Swinging?

Do you ever experience ups and downs in your feelings, such as suddenly becoming irritable or sad and crying, when you were feeling happy just a moment ago? And if you can’t control them or don’t know why they happen, it can cause you to feel even more emotionally overwhelmed. It is natural to haveContinue reading “Why Is My Mood So Swinging?”

Stress Management ~What Is Your Coping Style?~

When we are stressed, we try to lessen its impact in some way. There are two broad approaches to coping with stress. The first is an emotion-focused coping approach. The second is a solution-focused approach. The first coping strategy is to focus on feelings. This is a way to minimize and control the emotional changesContinue reading “Stress Management ~What Is Your Coping Style?~”

How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue

In my last blog, I wrote about “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue.“ This time, I would like to look at how the person who supports a person with a mental health issue can avoid accumulating stress. Not only the person who is having a hard time emotionally, but also thoseContinue reading “How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue”

Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?

Let me start with a conclusion. Running away and avoiding is not necessarily a bad thing. That is because it can be a strategy to not be excessively stressed. However, if the avoidance is not done well, it can have the opposite effect, which can result in negative psychological consequences. First of all, what doesContinue reading “Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?”

How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.

When you are not feeling well physically, or when you are feeling depressed after a bad day, are you reluctant to do anything? You know in your head that you have to do it, but you just can’t move. You don’t feel motivated. You feel disappointed in yourself for not being able to do whatContinue reading “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.”

5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.

Do you have a memory of putting off studying before exams by cleaning your room or washing dishes, which you usually did not do? Or, have you ever put off a task until the very last minute before the deadline, only to find that you don’t know what to do with it right before itContinue reading “5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.”

What Are the Benefits of Laughter?

Laughter, it is an expression that all people of the world share and understand. The Japanese proverb says, “Fortune comes in by a merry gate” and numerous scientific studies have shown that laughing improves our physical and mental health. We begin to laugh after about two to three months of life. Why do we laugh?Continue reading “What Are the Benefits of Laughter?”

What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.

No matter how sleepy you are, how sick you are, or how busy you are with work, you can’t say, “I’m done!” and quit raising a child. In particular, newborn babies and children who are unable to do anything alone die if left alone. Even when they become older, their parents’ troubles and concerns doContinue reading “What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.”

6 Ways to Deal with Negative People Without Feeling Exhausted.

Negative words and attitudes make us feel extremely tired. It does not matter whether it comes from ourselves or from others. In either case, we feel heavy and distressed. This time, I would like to talk about the case when we are exposed to negative words from people around us. People who often talk aboutContinue reading “6 Ways to Deal with Negative People Without Feeling Exhausted.”

How to Improve Quality of Sleep.

It is said that humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping. However, not everyone is able to sleep comfortably and efficiently for that time. We have sleep-related problems all the time: you want to sleep but can’t, you always wake up in the middle of the night, or you always feel sleepy even thoughContinue reading “How to Improve Quality of Sleep.”