Why Is My Mood So Swinging?

Do you ever experience ups and downs in your feelings, such as suddenly becoming irritable or sad and crying, when you were feeling happy just a moment ago? And if you can’t control them or don’t know why they happen, it can cause you to feel even more emotionally overwhelmed. It is natural to haveContinue reading “Why Is My Mood So Swinging?”

Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. Do you know any of these words? Most of you probably think it’s obvious that you know them. Yes, these are the names of popular social networking services, or SNS, that many people use or have used. SNS is now being used by about half of the world’s population as aContinue reading “Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?”

Why is Gratitude Important?

As the year 2022 comes to an end today, I would like to write on the topic of “Gratitude” as a way to reflect on the end of the year. It may seem that gratitude is something easy to do, but in fact, it is easily forgotten. Have you ever had a time when youContinue reading “Why is Gratitude Important?”

How to Improve Quality of Sleep.

It is said that humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping. However, not everyone is able to sleep comfortably and efficiently for that time. We have sleep-related problems all the time: you want to sleep but can’t, you always wake up in the middle of the night, or you always feel sleepy even thoughContinue reading “How to Improve Quality of Sleep.”