How to Deal with Sense of Inadequacy

Have you ever felt that you are not good enough, no matter what kind of work you do, no matter how good you score on an exam, or even when you successfully lose weight? We all feel inadequate, that we are not good enough, that we need to work harder, and so on, through variousContinue reading “How to Deal with Sense of Inadequacy”

What is Self-Compassion? ~How to Improve Your Kindness to Yourself~.

I wrote previously that having self-compassion reduces the tendency to blame yourself (“How to Stop the Toxic Behavior: Self-Blame“). Self-compassion is not only about blaming yourself, but it has an overall positive effect on your mental health and makes your daily life more enjoyable. Self-compassion means caring for yourself. Kristin Neff, a researcher and pioneerContinue reading “What is Self-Compassion? ~How to Improve Your Kindness to Yourself~.”