How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 2.

In my previous post, “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 1,” I wrote about the causes of lack of motivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. In this article, I would like to continue looking at how to motivate yourself when going through a hard time emotionally. ◎ Act before think. I am tellingContinue reading “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 2.”

What is Your Attachment Style? Four Attachment Styles and Their Characteristics. Part 2.

In the previous post, I described the characteristics of attachment styles. This time I would like to look at how each attachment style affects our relationships as adults. 1. Secure When children with the secure attachment style become adults, they are able to be themselves, honestly expressing their feelings and trusting others. Even if problemsContinue reading “What is Your Attachment Style? Four Attachment Styles and Their Characteristics. Part 2.”

How to Stop the Toxic Behavior: Self-Blame

We all have probably blamed ourselves, wondering why we did what we did, this could not have happened if I had done the right thing then, or it was my fault that he/she had to go through such a situation. Of course, it is natural and necessary to blame yourself when you make a mistakeContinue reading “How to Stop the Toxic Behavior: Self-Blame”