What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.

No matter how sleepy you are, how sick you are, or how busy you are with work, you can’t say, “I’m done!” and quit raising a child. In particular, newborn babies and children who are unable to do anything alone die if left alone. Even when they become older, their parents’ troubles and concerns doContinue reading “What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.”

Consequences of Being a Perfectionist

If you can do things perfectly, you have a strong sense of responsibility, you are highly motivated, and you are trusted by the people around you. Many of us want to be able to do things perfectly, don’t you think? However, if you try to be perfect all the time, you always feel pressured andContinue reading “Consequences of Being a Perfectionist”