Why Is My Mood So Swinging?

Do you ever experience ups and downs in your feelings, such as suddenly becoming irritable or sad and crying, when you were feeling happy just a moment ago? And if you can’t control them or don’t know why they happen, it can cause you to feel even more emotionally overwhelmed. It is natural to haveContinue reading “Why Is My Mood So Swinging?”

How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue

In my last blog, I wrote about “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue.“ This time, I would like to look at how the person who supports a person with a mental health issue can avoid accumulating stress. Not only the person who is having a hard time emotionally, but also thoseContinue reading “How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue”

How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue

Do you know someone around you who is having emotional problems? Is it a family member or loved one of yours that you want to help but don’t know how to support? If you are able to be there for the person with a feeling of wanting to help in any way, that person isContinue reading “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue”

What Are the Effects of Stress on Our Body?

In the last blog, I wrote about the relationship between stress and pain. We found that stress can cause pain in various parts of the body and that the mind and body are closely connected. This time, I would like to look at how stress affects our bodies further. As I wrote in the lastContinue reading “What Are the Effects of Stress on Our Body?”

Does Stress Develop Physical Pain?

When we feel something different in the body, we seek medical attention to see if there is something wrong with its condition. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe medicine or examine further, based on his/her evaluation of the problem. When we know the cause, we can take measures to deal with it, in otherContinue reading “Does Stress Develop Physical Pain?”

How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.

When you are not feeling well physically, or when you are feeling depressed after a bad day, are you reluctant to do anything? You know in your head that you have to do it, but you just can’t move. You don’t feel motivated. You feel disappointed in yourself for not being able to do whatContinue reading “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.”

3 Tips to Deal With Reassurance Seeking Behavior.

We cannot be sure what the future holds. We do not have the power to read people’s feelings for certain. We cannot prove that our behavior was completely right. We humans feel uncomfortable if we don’t find meaning in things, even though we live in a world full of such unknowns. That is why weContinue reading “3 Tips to Deal With Reassurance Seeking Behavior.”

5 Steps to Raise Your Self-Esteem.

We hear the term “self-esteem”” all the time these days. Self-esteem is closely related to our relationships, our attitude toward daily tasks, and our mental health. Self-esteem is a general self-evaluation of oneself in various areas such as personality, appearance, experiences of failure and success, and so on. If your view of yourself is positive,Continue reading “5 Steps to Raise Your Self-Esteem.”

Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. Do you know any of these words? Most of you probably think it’s obvious that you know them. Yes, these are the names of popular social networking services, or SNS, that many people use or have used. SNS is now being used by about half of the world’s population as aContinue reading “Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?”

How to Overcome Feelings of Jealousy ~Success of Others~

When people see someone who performs better than they do, they sometimes envy that person. The feeling of envy arises when someone else has something that you lack or something that you would like to have someday, such as “I wish I could be successful like that,” or “I wish I could own my ownContinue reading “How to Overcome Feelings of Jealousy ~Success of Others~”