Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?

Let me start with a conclusion. Running away and avoiding is not necessarily a bad thing. That is because it can be a strategy to not be excessively stressed. However, if the avoidance is not done well, it can have the opposite effect, which can result in negative psychological consequences. First of all, what doesContinue reading “Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?”

How to Find Hope When Difficult Times

When times are hard and we feel helpless, we sometimes despair of our own inability to help ourselves and lose sight of the future, thinking that this painful situation will continue forever. It is a state of hopelessness that nothing good will ever happen, that the difficult feelings will never go away. According to marketingContinue reading “How to Find Hope When Difficult Times”

What is Learned Helplessness?  -Causes and Coping Strategies-

Have you ever had the feeling in your daily life that you can’t accomplish anything anyway, that there is no way you can succeed even if you do your best, or that doing so is a waste of time and energy? As a result, you may end up giving up without trying. This does notContinue reading “What is Learned Helplessness?  -Causes and Coping Strategies-“