Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?

Let me start with a conclusion. Running away and avoiding is not necessarily a bad thing. That is because it can be a strategy to not be excessively stressed. However, if the avoidance is not done well, it can have the opposite effect, which can result in negative psychological consequences. First of all, what doesContinue reading “Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?”

5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.

Do you have a memory of putting off studying before exams by cleaning your room or washing dishes, which you usually did not do? Or, have you ever put off a task until the very last minute before the deadline, only to find that you don’t know what to do with it right before itContinue reading “5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.”

Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. Do you know any of these words? Most of you probably think it’s obvious that you know them. Yes, these are the names of popular social networking services, or SNS, that many people use or have used. SNS is now being used by about half of the world’s population as aContinue reading “Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?”

How to Deal with Relationship Anxiety

When you are building a relationship with someone, have you ever felt insecure, wondering if that person is really caring about me, if I can stay with him or her, or if he or she doesn’t seem to miss me much even though I am not there? It is natural to feel this kind ofContinue reading “How to Deal with Relationship Anxiety”

5 Relaxing Techniques to Relieve Anxiety

When we are anxious, our bodies are tense and become stiff. As mentioned in “5 Tips to Deal with Social Anxiety,” the mind and body are connected, so  by relaxing the stiff body, we can also relax the mind. The more you practice the relaxation methods described here, the more effective they will be inContinue reading “5 Relaxing Techniques to Relieve Anxiety”

What is Doomscrolling?

Have you heard of “Doomscrolling” or “Doomsurfing”? Doomsurfing is the act of frequently collecting (scrolling through) negative information on social media and online news. Doomscrolling has a negative impact on our mental health. Once you become trapped in it, it becomes a vicious cycle that is difficult to break out of. It is said thatContinue reading “What is Doomscrolling?”

Fight, Flight or Freeze Response

When we perceive danger, we protect ourselves by  fighting, running away or freezing. You prepare for fighting against danger, trying to run away from the danger or your body freezes. As a result of these responses, you will notice unusual sensations in all parts of your body, such as sweaty hands, a racing heart, and/orContinue reading “Fight, Flight or Freeze Response”