How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue

Do you know someone around you who is having emotional problems? Is it a family member or loved one of yours that you want to help but don’t know how to support? If you are able to be there for the person with a feeling of wanting to help in any way, that person isContinue reading “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue”

How to Improve Communication. Part 4. ~Nonverbal Communication~

55:38:7 What do these numbers tell us? It is a surprising theory proposed by the American psychologist Albert Melavian, that says the ratio of information sources by which humans judge others in communication is 55% visual, 38% auditory, and only 7% verbal. It is not uncommon for us to misinterpret when we communicate through SNSContinue reading “How to Improve Communication. Part 4. ~Nonverbal Communication~”

What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Improve it?

Have you ever heard of the term “Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)?” IQ is an intelligence quotient, a kind of barometer that says the higher the number, the “smarter” you are, and you may have heard the term more often than EQ. A high IQ can be considered a good thing, but it does not necessarilyContinue reading “What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Improve it?”

How to Improve Communication Part2. ~Active Listening~

Active listening is a term developed by Carl Rogers and Richard Farson who defined it as grasping what the other person is communicating from his/her point of view. This means that you convey to the speaker that you are seeing his/her experience from his/her perspective so that he/she can feel listened and understood. According toContinue reading “How to Improve Communication Part2. ~Active Listening~”

How to Deal with Aggressive People

It is most likely that you have encountered aggressive individuals. Aggression is a broad term that includes any behavior in which a person carries out with an intention to harm another individual who wants to avoid the harm. Violence comes under aggression for instance, it is an aggression that can cause physical harm enough toContinue reading “How to Deal with Aggressive People”