Mental Health Information


What is Depression?


I would like to introduce the diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition).

However, please do not make a diagnosis based only on what is written here.

Mental disorders are diagnosed in a multiple combination of the criteria in DSM, other assessment tools, and interviews of the client as well as other parties when necessary.  

Thus, kindly use them as a reference only and consult with clinical professionals or contact me for further help when necessary.

Major Depressive Disorder

A. Five or more of the following symptoms have been present in the last two weeks, and one of the symptoms must be either 1) depressed (discouraged) mood or 2) loss of motivation/inability to enjoy things.

(1) Depressed mood almost every day, almost all day long. (e.g., feeling sad, empty, helpless, etc.) In children and adolescents, they may feel irritable.

2) Markedly diminished interest and motivation in things they used to enjoy and other things they used to do, almost all day, almost every day.

(3) Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain. (More than 5% change in weight in one month.) Or, increased or decreased appetite nearly every day.

(4) Insomnia or hypersomnia almost every day.

(5) Psychomotor agitation (e.g. walking around the room for no reason, constantly stubbing their toe on the floor, or not being able to sit still). Or, psychomotor retardation (e.g. taking a long time to move, speak, or react in ways that were previously taking shorter).

(6) Feeling tired and lacking energy nearly every day.

(7) Feeling of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt almost every day.

(8) Being unable to think or concentrate, or becoming indecisive nearly every day.

9) Recurrent thoughts of death, ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.

B. Experiencing a great deal of stress from these symptoms, or these symptoms are preventing you from carrying on with socialization, work performance, or other important functioning of your life.

C. These symptoms are not caused by the effect of medication or other substances.

To note, when we lose someone significant, we often experience the similar symptoms.

Therefore, you may think that you may be depressed, but they are natural reactions when losing a loved one that we feel sad, lose appetite, lose motivation, and feel discouraged.

It is important to consider what the symptoms are caused by, rather than immediately assuming that you have a depressive disorder.


A.  直近2週間の間に下記の症状が5つ以上当てはまること、その症状のうちのひとつが1)抑うつ(落胆した)気分、もしくは2)意欲喪失・物事を楽しめない、のどちらかに当てはまることとする。










B. これらの症状に相当なストレスを感じている、もしくはこれらの症状によって、交友関係、仕事関係や他の生活を今まで通りこなすことができない。

C. これらの症状は薬やその他の物質による影響ではない。(例:薬の副作用で頭がぼーっとする、二日酔いでやる気が出ない、など。)
