How to Trust Other People After Hard Times.

Trusting people is a very important and necessary part of our lives as social animals. Trusting someone allows us to behave with confidence in our decisions concerning the future, which we cannot be sure of. Our attitude of trusting someone is influenced by our interactions with our parents or caregivers since birth. Psychologist Erik Erikson’sContinue reading “How to Trust Other People After Hard Times.”

Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. Do you know any of these words? Most of you probably think it’s obvious that you know them. Yes, these are the names of popular social networking services, or SNS, that many people use or have used. SNS is now being used by about half of the world’s population as aContinue reading “Is SNS Good or Bad to Mental Health?”

How to Overcome Feelings of Jealousy ~Success of Others~

When people see someone who performs better than they do, they sometimes envy that person. The feeling of envy arises when someone else has something that you lack or something that you would like to have someday, such as “I wish I could be successful like that,” or “I wish I could own my ownContinue reading “How to Overcome Feelings of Jealousy ~Success of Others~”

How to Seek Help From Others

When you are going through a difficult time emotionally, do you keep that concern to yourself? Asking someone for help is one of the most effective ways to cope with the challenge. But many of us hesitate to ask others for help. Why do we stop ourselves from asking others for help? ◎Prejudice towards mentalContinue reading “How to Seek Help From Others”

How to Deal with Fear of Failure

“Failure is not the opposite of success. It’s part of success.” This is a quote from author Arianna Huffington. She is right, failing or things not going the way we want them to is an inevitable part of accomplishing something. But failure is scary. It is very normal to feel that way. But why areContinue reading “How to Deal with Fear of Failure”

What Are the Benefits of Laughter?

Laughter, it is an expression that all people of the world share and understand. The Japanese proverb says, “Fortune comes in by a merry gate” and numerous scientific studies have shown that laughing improves our physical and mental health. We begin to laugh after about two to three months of life. Why do we laugh?Continue reading “What Are the Benefits of Laughter?”

What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.

No matter how sleepy you are, how sick you are, or how busy you are with work, you can’t say, “I’m done!” and quit raising a child. In particular, newborn babies and children who are unable to do anything alone die if left alone. Even when they become older, their parents’ troubles and concerns doContinue reading “What Is Parental Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope with It.”

How to Improve Communication. Part 4. ~Nonverbal Communication~

55:38:7 What do these numbers tell us? It is a surprising theory proposed by the American psychologist Albert Melavian, that says the ratio of information sources by which humans judge others in communication is 55% visual, 38% auditory, and only 7% verbal. It is not uncommon for us to misinterpret when we communicate through SNSContinue reading “How to Improve Communication. Part 4. ~Nonverbal Communication~”

What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Improve it?

Have you ever heard of the term “Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)?” IQ is an intelligence quotient, a kind of barometer that says the higher the number, the “smarter” you are, and you may have heard the term more often than EQ. A high IQ can be considered a good thing, but it does not necessarilyContinue reading “What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can We Improve it?”

Why is Self-Awareness Important and How to Do It?

We think we know very well about ourselves. We may think that we know what we like, what we dislike, what we are confident about, what we are not so good at, and so on. But there are actually parts of ourselves that we don’t see or don’t yet know about. And when we disregardContinue reading “Why is Self-Awareness Important and How to Do It?”