Does Stress Develop Physical Pain?

When we feel something different in the body, we seek medical attention to see if there is something wrong with its condition. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe medicine or examine further, based on his/her evaluation of the problem. When we know the cause, we can take measures to deal with it, in otherContinue reading “Does Stress Develop Physical Pain?”

How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 2.

In my previous post, “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 1,” I wrote about the causes of lack of motivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. In this article, I would like to continue looking at how to motivate yourself when going through a hard time emotionally. ◎ Act before think. I am tellingContinue reading “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part 2.”

How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.

When you are not feeling well physically, or when you are feeling depressed after a bad day, are you reluctant to do anything? You know in your head that you have to do it, but you just can’t move. You don’t feel motivated. You feel disappointed in yourself for not being able to do whatContinue reading “How to Motivate Yourself When Hard Times Part1.”

5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.

Do you have a memory of putting off studying before exams by cleaning your room or washing dishes, which you usually did not do? Or, have you ever put off a task until the very last minute before the deadline, only to find that you don’t know what to do with it right before itContinue reading “5 Tips to Change a Habit of Procrastination.”

How to Accept Own Failure

I believe that acknowledging one’s failures is incredibly difficult. To admit failure is to assert that you were wrong, and this can lead you to feel hurt and embarrassment. Generally, we want to avoid such unpleasant experiences as much as possible. That is why it is so hard to admit failure. However, unless we acceotContinue reading “How to Accept Own Failure”

3 Tips to Deal With Reassurance Seeking Behavior.

We cannot be sure what the future holds. We do not have the power to read people’s feelings for certain. We cannot prove that our behavior was completely right. We humans feel uncomfortable if we don’t find meaning in things, even though we live in a world full of such unknowns. That is why weContinue reading “3 Tips to Deal With Reassurance Seeking Behavior.”

How to Become Who You Want to Be. Part4. ~Stages of Changes vol. 2 ~

In my previous blog, I explained the five stages of Prochaska and DiClemente’s model of behavior change. This time, I would like to look at how we can actually take concrete steps in each of these stages to behave the way we envision. Let’s get started. Stage 1: Precontemplation During this stage, you believe thatContinue reading “How to Become Who You Want to Be. Part4. ~Stages of Changes vol. 2 ~”

How to Become Who You Want to Be. Part4. ~Stages of Changes vol.1~

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I want to be a person like this”, or I don’t like myself this way anymore?” I am sure everyone has. And of course, I have too. I want to be beautiful, I want to be kind to others, I want to make lots of money, I don’t likeContinue reading “How to Become Who You Want to Be. Part4. ~Stages of Changes vol.1~”

5 Steps to Raise Your Self-Esteem.

We hear the term “self-esteem”” all the time these days. Self-esteem is closely related to our relationships, our attitude toward daily tasks, and our mental health. Self-esteem is a general self-evaluation of oneself in various areas such as personality, appearance, experiences of failure and success, and so on. If your view of yourself is positive,Continue reading “5 Steps to Raise Your Self-Esteem.”

How to Deal with Sense of Inadequacy

Have you ever felt that you are not good enough, no matter what kind of work you do, no matter how good you score on an exam, or even when you successfully lose weight? We all feel inadequate, that we are not good enough, that we need to work harder, and so on, through variousContinue reading “How to Deal with Sense of Inadequacy”