Why Is My Mood So Swinging?

Do you ever experience ups and downs in your feelings, such as suddenly becoming irritable or sad and crying, when you were feeling happy just a moment ago? And if you can’t control them or don’t know why they happen, it can cause you to feel even more emotionally overwhelmed. It is natural to haveContinue reading “Why Is My Mood So Swinging?”

Stress Management ~What Is Your Coping Style?~

When we are stressed, we try to lessen its impact in some way. There are two broad approaches to coping with stress. The first is an emotion-focused coping approach. The second is a solution-focused approach. The first coping strategy is to focus on feelings. This is a way to minimize and control the emotional changesContinue reading “Stress Management ~What Is Your Coping Style?~”

What Is a Need for Approval? Ways to Manage When It Becomes Too Much.

You have probably heard the term “a need for approval.” There are two types of “a need for approval”: “a need for self-approval,” in which you want to approve yourself, and “need for approval from others,” in which you want someone other than yourself to approve you. In this post, I would like to writeContinue reading “What Is a Need for Approval? Ways to Manage When It Becomes Too Much.”

How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue

In my last blog, I wrote about “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue.“ This time, I would like to look at how the person who supports a person with a mental health issue can avoid accumulating stress. Not only the person who is having a hard time emotionally, but also thoseContinue reading “How to Take Care of Yourself When Taking Care of Someone with a Mental Health Issue”

How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue

Do you know someone around you who is having emotional problems? Is it a family member or loved one of yours that you want to help but don’t know how to support? If you are able to be there for the person with a feeling of wanting to help in any way, that person isContinue reading “How to Support Someone Who Has a Mental Health Issue”

Is What You Think Really True?

We behave based on thoughts that we have. They may be thoughts like, “I need to earn enough money to make my children happy, so I put work first and foremost,” “I am not good at talking to people, so I avoid events with crowds,” or “That person doesn’t like me, so I stay awayContinue reading “Is What You Think Really True?”

Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?

Let me start with a conclusion. Running away and avoiding is not necessarily a bad thing. That is because it can be a strategy to not be excessively stressed. However, if the avoidance is not done well, it can have the opposite effect, which can result in negative psychological consequences. First of all, what doesContinue reading “Is Avoidance Really a Bad Idea?”

How to Struggle with Your Concern.

We all experience difficulties. Difficulties in interacting with people with different ideas from our own, barriers to what we want to do or achieve, and even the decisions we make in our daily lives can lead to our concerns. That’s inevitable. Having worries makes us think about what to do and helps us to learnContinue reading “How to Struggle with Your Concern.”

Is It Important to Express Emotions?

Do you ever suppress your emotions and keep them to yourself because you don’t want to bother others, you have to respect the opinions of those around you, or there is no point in saying what you are feeling? You may be able to handle a certain extent of emotions within yourself. But if youContinue reading “Is It Important to Express Emotions?”

What Are the Effects of Stress on Our Body?

In the last blog, I wrote about the relationship between stress and pain. We found that stress can cause pain in various parts of the body and that the mind and body are closely connected. This time, I would like to look at how stress affects our bodies further. As I wrote in the lastContinue reading “What Are the Effects of Stress on Our Body?”