6 Ways to Deal with Negative People Without Feeling Exhausted.

Negative words and attitudes make us feel extremely tired.

It does not matter whether it comes from ourselves or from others.

In either case, we feel heavy and distressed.

This time, I would like to talk about the case when we are exposed to negative words from people around us.

People who often talk about their fatigue, “I’m not feeling well today, how long should I bear with this sad feeling for?”

Those who are always complaining about something or someone, “That person is rich, so it’s all right, life is so unfair.”

Those who tell you to do what you should do, “You should quit that job, it’s not right for you. You are going to hate it.”

People who always worry about others although you are not asking for any advice, “What if you make mistake? It’s irreversible if you fail.” 


It is also difficult to stay positive all the time as we sometimes lose confidence and become negative.

But if we hear only negative words every day, we get overwhelmed.

Negative energy is very strong and infects people just like a cold.

The more you are exposed to people who are always saying negative things, the more energy and time they take from you, and they make you feel negative the same way.

And once you get into the habit of negative thinking, it is not easy to change them to positive ways of thinking.

Negative thoughts, words, and actions can greatly affect your mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.

So how can we reduce the impact of negative words from others?

◎ Do not argue with the person.

There are many times when you cannot agree with the opinion of someone who is speaking negatively.

When this happens, don’t you try to correct their opinion (change it to a positive one) by asserting your opinion?

Negative people have very strong opinions, and no matter how you try to counter them with your own great opinions, no matter how much you think it’s for their benefit, they will keep coming up with reasons (excuses) to support their points of view.

It is sad that they do not get your point of view, but it is unlikely that they will change their mind because of what you said.

So don’t spend any unnecessary energy.

If you have to respond or have something you really want to say, be objective and take a breath before you do so to avoid becoming emotional.

◎ Do not receive them with your mind.

When negative talk starts, turn off your mind.

You don’t need to take the words that have a negative impact on you all the way through with your mind.

In other words, ignore them.

Negative words are germs.

When the negative attacks happen, try to concentrate on picturing you wearing a mask over your heart to keep the germs from invading.

And you can say to the other person, “Yeah, right.” “I get it.”

This does not mean that you understand or approve of what the other person is saying, but only that you are listening.

This does not mean that you understand or approve of what they are saying, but only that you are listening.

The closer you are to someone, such as a family member or close friend, the harder it is to ignore them.

And it is often difficult to react to them without getting emotional.

But if you take every attack personally, you can be destroyed mentally.

It is important to keep your distance from them while managing to fend them off in order to protect yourself.

◎ Tell them honestly how you feel.

Often people who say negative things are so used to the act that they don’t realize they are making the other person feel uncomfortable.

Point out what they said to you and talk about your feelings.

For example, “When my marriage was decided, you told me that we would probably break up soon and that I shouldn’t get married. I was very sad being told that.”

You tell the person exactly what was said and how you feel about it.

Remember not to become emotional at this time too.

Then, the person will realize that his or her words were conveyed in that way and that it made the other person feel bad.

From there, he or she may make some changes.

Nothing may change though.

But knowing how they react to your feelings gives you an opportunity to think about the relationship with that person. And you don’t have to suppress your feelings and stress yourself out.

◎ Keep in mind that what they are saying negatively is how they feel about themselves.

For example, you have a trusted friend, and someone says to you, “You shouldn’t be so open-minded toward people, you’ll regret it when they betray you.”

At first glance, it seems that he is giving advice out of concern for you, but he is saying this because he has not built a trustworthy relationship with anyone.

If that person has good relationships, don’t you think they would talk about how they enjoy spending time with people and be glad you are surrounded by good people instead of going out of their way to say something negative?

If someone directs negative words at you, think of it as that person saying that to themselves.

In this way, you do not take what is said personally, and you are less likely to get emotional and talk back to them.

◎ Distance yourself.

Keep your distance from the person physically.

You may feel sorry for the person if he is left alone, so you go to see him as soon as he calls you, or stay with him until he is satisfied (or if he behaves that way), and you may find it difficult to shake him off because of your kindness.

But the person you care about most should be yourself.

You should direct your kindness toward yourself.

Negative people often mess up the people around them, whether they know it or not.

If a phone call comes in and you are feeling agitated or heavy, you don’t have to answer it all the time.

If the person you are living with is negative and overly stressful to you, do something about it and move out of the house.

If you keep telling yourself that it’s still okay, that it will be okay if you are patient, that he/she will be screwed up without you, etc., and you keep staying with him/her and you end up breaking down, you can’t help but fall together in the end.

It is important to keep emotional distance, but if you don’t keep physical distance as well, you are constantly overwhelmed by negativity and your mind cannot rest.

Please give yourself a break.

◎ Stay with positive people.

Negative words can make you negative too.

Stay connected with positive people to prevent your heart from being broken by negativity.

Negativity is contagious, but positive power is also passed from person to person.

Being around positive people will keep your mind energized.

Keep your mind as positive as possible and protect your mind from negative power.

I think it’s impossible to be positive all the time.

However, having an awareness of this, if you are talking to someone and you feel highly stressed, then that person may perhaps overly speak in a negative way.

The more often you engage with that person, the more tired your mind becomes.

At some point, you may become negative and have mental problems as well because of that exposure.

Before that happens, be aware of your own state of mind and take steps to confront the negative power.

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