How to Improve Quality of Sleep.

It is said that humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping.

However, not everyone is able to sleep comfortably and efficiently for that time.

We have sleep-related problems all the time: you want to sleep but can’t, you always wake up in the middle of the night, or you always feel sleepy even though you get plenty of sleep.

When such sleep problems persist, it can take a heavy toll on our bodies and minds.

On the physical side, it is reported that the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure increases.

In the mental aspect, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and increased stress.

A 2020 study by Simon, Vallat, Rossi and Walker found that people who did not get enough sleep had difficulty recognizing and expressing their emotions while their emotional reactivity increased.

Furthermore, a 2022 study found that when people lack sleep, they became less altruistic, meaning that they were less inclined to help someone who needed help.

This is because when people are sleep deprived, the part of the brain involved responsible for the empathy becomes inactive and thus less motivated to take action related to compassion.

Reading this study, I was reminded of just how important sleep is!

I guess everyone has his or her own way of thinking, but it is kind of sad to see your kindness level decrease without you even being aware of it.

I think there are times in our lives when we regret things like, “Why didn’t I reach out to that person at that time?” or “I got emotional and did something I couldn’t take back.”

It is possible that the cause of this is actually lack of sleep.

Thus, the quality of our sleep affects our mental and physical health through our brain.

It is crucial to improve the quality of our sleep in order to live each day as pleasantly as possible.

To get a better night’s sleep, you may;

◎ Schedule a time to go to bed and a time to wake up.

If you go to bed and wake up at a more or less regular time each day, your body will learn the rhythm of the day.

This will make it easier to sleep at night and wake up in the morning, reduce the amount of time you are frustrated and rattled because you can’t sleep, and reduce the stress when you wake up.

◎ Exercise.

Physical activity raises the core body temperature (the temperature inside the body that is maintained at a constant level to protect the functioning of internal organs), and when that temperature drops to normal, drowsiness sets in.

According to the Sleep Center at Johns Hopkins University, about 30 minutes of single moderate-level aerobic exercise can have a positive effect on sleep already on that day, even if you don’t exercise regularly for long periods of time.

Of course, this is not an absolute, though, as it varies depending on the individual.

Exercise nurtures not only physical strength but also mental strength.

It relaxes the body, which has become tense due to worry and anxiety.

I mentioned that it is effective even if you don’t continue to do it, but if exercise improves the quality of your sleep and energizes your body and mind, don’t you think it is worthwhile to continue?

If you agree, choose an exercise which you like and is easy for you to continue.

◎ Create a sleeping environment.

Is your bedroom an environment in which you can sleep comfortably?

Check to see if it is a suitable environment for sleeping.

☆ Lighting: If it is too bright, your circadian rhythm recognize that it is still daytime and wake up your body. Please make sure it is as dark as possible when you go to bed.

☆ Room temperature: According to experts, a room temperature of around 18.3 degrees Celsius is good for maintaining core body temperature, thus helping you sleep comfortably.

☆ Noise: The environment should be quiet and free of noises.

☆ Sleeping goods: Are the bed, comforter, sheets, pillow, etc. comfortable?

      Use what you feel comfortable with, as it will affect the quality of sleep you get on a daily basis.

     And if possible, wash them regularly or dry them under the sun to make it more comfortable.

☆ Do not operate your smartphone, computer, etc. just before going to sleep.

    Blue light inhibits the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which makes us sleepy.

    Melatonin is also inhibited by artificial light, but the effect of blue light is particularly strong.

It is advisable to avoid using smartphones and computers before going to bed as much as possible

◎ Stretching.

Relaxing your body muscles before going to bed will help you fall asleep more easily.

While lying down, simply stretch your arms above your head with your hands folded and extend your legs toward your heels.

Only stretching your back that way helps your body and mind unwind.

◎ Write your thoughts in a notebook.

If you have a lot of worries or thoughts going around in your head, write them down.

Keep a notepad or notebook by your bedside, and when anxious or distressed thoughts start to pop into your head and disturb your sleep, write them down in it.

When you are finished, say to yourself, “I’ll think about it tomorrow,” and try to go back to sleep.

You should feel somewhat refreshed.

Sleep builds our minds and bodies.

Do what you can do to sleep well and feel good every day.

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