How to Become Who You Want to Be. Part 3 ~ Brain Mechanisms~

We think that as we get older, our brain function declines and it becomes difficult to learn and absorb things as we did when we were younger.

But there is a good news.

Recent researches have changed this.

In fact, regardless of our age, we are able to take in new skills and knowledge as our brain grows even more.

This is thanks to neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change, adapt, and continue to grow with experience.

Sure, the younger brain is more sensitive to experience and reacts faster, but if you train your brain, you can be more flexible to your environment than those who are younger in age.

Isn’t that a wonderful ability?

It was an eye-opener for me, because I had thought that brain growth stops in one’s 20s or so.

The brain continues to grow by creating new neural circuits through new experiences.

And thanks to that adaptive and regenerative capacity of the brain, we can change the way we think and act.

If you are currently suffering from yourself taking everything as negative, or if you are responding to stress in unhealthy ways (e.g., excessive drinking or binge eating, blaming yourself or others more than necessary, etc.) and causing more stress, you can change if you are aware of the brain’s ability and try to change what you don’t like.

So, the excuses like “I’m too old,” “I’m this way,” “only bad things happen to me,” etc., are no longer valid.

However, if the brain does not receive stimulation, nothing will change as it is.

Let’s give it a positive stimulus to improve its capacity.

What can we do to improve this neuroplasticity?

◎ Do something that helps you focus, something new and challenging.

These elements provide good stimulation for the brain.

For example, reading, learning a new language, learning a musical instrument, traveling, painting, and making music are said to improve neuroplasticity.

Things that are new to us and things that are a little difficult but rewarding are good for the brain and can positively change the way we feel and think.

◎ Exercise.

Every study I have read reports that physical exercise has positive physical and mental benefits.

Exercise increases the secretion of proteins called neurotrophic factors which help brain cells grow and recover.

And when they are active, they help improve memory and learning and reduce cognitive decline.

Physical exercise also relieves stress-related tension and makes you feel refreshed.

Regular exercise energizes the brain and strengthens your body and mind.

Even if you are not good at exercising, why don’t you try some physical activity, even if it is just for a little bit?

◎ Improve your sleep quality.

Dendrites at the ends of nerve cells are important parts that send information from nerve to nerve.

They are strengthened by sleep.

Therefore, what we learn becomes our memory through sleep.

This is one of the reasons why people often say that they remember what they read or study better before going to bed.

Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of sleep.

It also has a significant impact on our mental health.

Sleep deprivation or excessive sleep is common in people with mental problems such as depression and anxiety.

Improving the quality of sleep improves neuroplasticity and helps to reduce mental stress.

To improve sleep quality, you can try to keep bedtime roughly the same time of day, don’t play with your phone until just before bed, don’t drink caffeine or alcohol before bed, stretch, exercise, don’t take too many naps, and make the room where you sleep a relaxing environment.

Sleep well to keep your brain healthy.

◎ Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and accepting things as they are.

Many studies have shown that mindfulness brings about positive changes in brain structures related to memory and stress.

It is also said to help reduce age-related cognitive decline.

Mindfulness can have positive effects on both mind and body.

For more information on what mindfulness can do for you and how to do it, go to the article “Is Mindfulness Beneficial?”

Taking actions to improve neuroplasticity results in you doing things that are good for your mental health.

Then we can change ourselves as we wish.

In other words, you can be who you want to be.

If you don’t do it even though you want to change, you’re simply missing out.

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