Determining Self-Worth

How exactly does one determine your worth and who determines it?

We tend to be influenced by things like age, career, wealth, number of followers or “likes” on social media, marital status, job or school performance, etc.

But these things should not determine your value.

You are valuable just as you are.

Whether or not you feel that you are worthy is strongly tied to your mental health because it affects your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

Feeling that you are worthy and loved is called having self-worth.

When you have self-worth, the feeling that you are worthy of being loved does not go away, no matter how you are evaluated by other people.

In other words, self-worth means that even if all of your accomplishments, assets, and possessions were taken away from you, you would still be happy with who you are.

However, I am sure that there are people who have not been able to develop self-worth due to negative past experiences, or people who have lost confidence in their social life and do not see their own value anymore.

And if that state continues for a long time, you may not be able to find meaning in your life, you may become overwhelmed, and it may seem like life is not even worth living.

But, so I say it again!

You are worthy just as you are!

There is a trap for us when living in society and in groups.

You go out into society and meet all kinds of people and learn about what they possess, their social status, their successes, etc.

Then you begin to compare them with yourself.

As a result, you start to compare yourself with others, thinking that you are a worthless person, that you don’t have a good job, that you are not rich, that you have nothing to offer, and so on.

We are all different.

We cannot compare ourselves to others.

So first of all, it is wrong to compare.

If you continue to compare yourself to others and determine your value by their standards, you will underestimate your abilities, lose confidence, and find no meaning in your life.

It is a life dead end.

Having said that, it is not easy to ignore the success of others and what they are doing while focusing only on ourselves.

We have been taught that successful people are great, and we are forced to compare ourselves to others and follow the example of successful people.

As a result, we constantly compare ourselves to others.

However, if you remain victims of comparison, you will never be able to achieve the happiness that you should be able to gain.

When you realize your value, life becomes more meaningful and more enjoyable.

To do this, it is important to know who you are.

Knowing yourself means looking back on past experiences of success and failure and accepting all that is good and bad about you as yourself.

It is something that we are not good at because it is painful.

But if you don’t know yourself, you cannot even know what is good about you.

Your self-worth can only be attained when you fully understand who you are and what your potential is.

And by recognizing your worth, you can confidently aim for and obtain what you want to do and what you want to get.

Other tips include:

  • Do not rely too much on validation from social media and go offline sometimes.
  • Realize that you compare yourself with other people, and stop doing it.
  • Work on a discovery of your skill or a talent. You can also look at your weakness from different perspective to change it to strength. For instance, you may find yourself understand some concept slower than other people, but it means that you understand deeply and you are probably recall it later on by taking longer time to understand.
  • Forgive yourself for your shortcomings. Humans are not perfect beings, so it is natural for us to have weaknesses and shortcomings. It is important to accept them and learn from your past mistakes.
  • Be with healthy people. People who deny or criticize who you are can affect you negatively. You do not need to be with toxic people who can make you feel suffer and pain.

It is time for you to discover who you are and how much your value is determined by things that should not do so.