How to Take Care of Yourself

We are social beings.

We care about others.

Some of us feel responsible for others’ happiness.

If your friends are in trouble, you would want to help them solve the problem, so you would encourage them, ask if they need any help, be with them, etc.

It is a beautiful thing that human beings intrinsically possess.

However, when it comes to ourselves, we are not good at taking care of ourselves.

This is because we tend to forget taking time reflecting on how tired we are as a result of daily physical and mental activities.

For instance, when you work from early morning to midnight every day to achieve the quota set by the company, you care less about your sleeping hours, food you eat, time with your friends or families and other things that are necessary for you to maintain your well-being.

It is okay when you take a time to reflect on yourself, and if you are able to feel what you do is under your control.

However, it is not okay if you are forcing yourself so much to complete tasks you may be required to do.

Because stresses are accumulated without realizing, it could be exploded into a form of physical and/or mental health problems as a consequence.

You may experience burnout, feeling of emptiness and loneliness and/or losing the meaning of what you do if you do not have anything that makes you feel pleasure or enjoyable.

If you feel that way, it is the time for you to explore what you can do to take care of yourself; self-care.

Self-care can be divided into several types – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Social.

Our mind and body are strongly connected, therefore caring about our physical elements can build healthy mind.

Engaging in some exercises such as talking a short walk, stretching, yoga, etc. can help you feel relaxed physically as well as emotionally.

Emotional care can also affect our body, thus it is important to feel good about ourselves, and to experience enjoyment and sense of fulfillment.

When you have a pleasure or relaxed mind, your body also experiences the comfort.

Thus, it is important to think what makes you feel pleasure or relaxed emotionally, such as taking tea, listening to a favorite music or doing nothing.

Spiritual care does not limit to a religious belief but it can include respecting our own value and beliefs.

The individuals’ belief can give a meaning and purpose in their life, which becomes a motivation to live a life and give a direction on how they want their life to be.

Explore what your value and belief are, then see if they follow what you do in your life.

As mentioned at the beginning, human beings are social beings, thus social care is important too.

As a human being, it is our need to interact with other people.

So, consider taking a time with your friends and family, share how you are doing and what they are doing.

It can satisfy your needs to be with others, and it can lead you to fulfill emotional needs too. 

Self-care is usually overlooked but it is necessary for our well-being.

It can improve our productivity and satisfaction on a daily basis while being aware of what is lacked in our needs, which helps us reduce the stress level.